Tuesday, February 24, 2015


Do you like Super Mario Bros.? The games, the characters, the worlds.... Don't you wonder where they came from, why? My name is S. G. Izaguirre, and as a big fan of the characters, I always wanted to explore their worlds, take a peek in their amazing lives. And since I like to draw, well, I would like to make this possible. Nintendo may never release an official story for the characters, but that doesn't stop me from making my own series of adventures based on them! With that in mind, I welcome you, to Luigi's Story, a fanfiction graphic novel that I'll be releasing in chapters. Since it is still in production, I'll be showing some sneak peeks at the comic soon, as well as some of the artwork that has gone into making it. It'll be a fairly slow process, through, so I ask you to please be patient. I hope you guys like it, and await for the first chapter's release!